Monday, August 27, 2012

Kures Water Well Work Completed

Kures Community Well # 1 … 12 km north of Kitale … Kitale to Kisawai road.
The well will now be serving 3 communities … Recompletion of the well that has been nonfunctional for over 2½ years. 

Steps (photos); After removing all the old damaged pipe, bad pump, and clearing the silted well bore, completion begins with tripping in the new pump. Next; the new pipe is lowered into well bore, making up connections every 6 meters, followed by installing the hanger plate, and setting the well head.

Pull Rods had to be tripped in and out several times because pump seals kept getting damaged. Finally a succesful run.


After completion, happy children wash and play in the water, while a young mother gathers water for her family.



  1. where were they getting water before the well was fixed?

  2. That is so amazing!! How excited and thankful they must be

  3. Brad: Well done . congratulations. I can only imagine the wonderful feeling you must have, having brought fresh water to these people. - Truly: Phi Alpha. - Robert L.
